I was always using gradle allprojects and suprojects sections as a very handy way for multi-module projects configuration. But, it appears, that using...
It is a common need to intercept traffic between servers. For example, last time I need this to verify keycloak logout request correctness (sent by my...
For at least a year I observe sudden crashes of IntelliJ Idea (with SEGFAULT). After the latest ubuntu update, it appear way too often: sometimes even...
Preface Several years ago I was searching for a simple (but pretty) documentation tool for my open source projects. Eventually, I stopped on mkdocs...
Spock 2 does not support JUnit 5 extensions out of the box: We looked at adding a jupiter extension support module, but quickly dismissed it and...
This is the follow-up of Testing JUnit 5 extensions article (assume you read it first). This article shows how to test Spock 2 extensions the same...